Professional Roof Inspections

man with hardhat and clipboard inspecting residential roof

Keep Your Roof in Good Shape with Yearly Inspections

Your roof is an investment, and you’ll want to do all you can to get it to meet and even exceed its expected life. The best way to do this is by having it inspected on a regular basis. Most homeowners don’t make a habit of climbing up on their roofs, so knowing when something is wrong isn’t always easy. Many times, we don’t even know there’s a problem until we notice water stains on the ceiling and wall. But if you’re already seeing water damage inside, it’s already a little late. Instead, call Absolute Construction Group LLC at 617-481-1725 for roof inspections in Boston, MA.

Why do I need a roof inspection?

Roof inspections check for any problems that need repairing, things that don’t belong, and the durability of your roof. Homeowners generally order a roof inspection if they have noticed a leak or want to check that their roof is in good condition after inclement weather. However, even in the absence of a leak or bad weather, it’s a good idea to have your roof inspected annually. This allows you to catch roofing problems early on and avoid expensive repairs in the future.

There are three primary kinds of roof inspections: physical, drone, and infrared inspections. Physical inspections are the most affordable and rely primarily on visuals. Drone inspections are common if the roof is very steep or unwalkable. In this case, a drone flies around the outside of the home and roof, snapping pictures and/or videos. Finally, and the most expensive of the bunch, are infrared inspections. With this kind of inspection, roofers use infrared technology to pick up damage that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye.

What is included as part of a roof inspection?

A roof inspection looks over all parts of a roof, including its structural support, the stability of the roofing material, and whether there are any signs of damage. The structural inspection checks to see that your roof is sturdy and that there is no sagging. This part of the inspection is not concerned with damage or missing roofing materials but with the overall stability and integrity of your roof, including looking for rotted roof sheathing. The roof inspector will also use this time to check the condition of your gutters, fascia, and soffit. If you have chimneys, vents, or skylights, those will be checked as well.

The material portion of the inspection focuses on whether the shingles, tiles, or metal panels are in good repair. The inspector will check for rust, water damage, and moss growth as well as missing portions of the roof. Next comes the interior inspection.

An interior inspection will help the roofer uncover any damage that’s not visible from the roof. They will check the attic as well as inspect ceilings and walls. To locate damage, roof inspectors often look for rotting wood, mold, holes in walls and/or ceiling, pests in the attic, and beams of light bursting into the attic from the ceiling. Inspectors also check for adequate ventilation throughout the home from the attic to bathroom ventilation.

two roofers inspecting commercial roof at sunset

What’s Next?

After your inspection is complete, the inspector will provide you with a report. While each company has its own unique reporting system, most roof inspection reports will list the condition of the roof, any recommended repairs, and how much life the roof has got left. A roof inspection is an invaluable tool used if you’re looking to sell or refinance your home, if you’ve experienced a recent storm, if you’ve noticed leaks, or in preparation for storm season. Absolute Construction Group LLC offers roof inspections in Boston, MA. Call 617-481-1725 to book yours today.