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How Long Will the Average Metal Roof Last?

metal roofing repair

Is Metal Roofing Right For You?

While metal roofing can be extremely durable, it does still have to be taken care of in order to last. However, you might be wondering how long an average metal roof will last! It can be a tough decision when you consider changing roofing material. If you are considering metal roofing for your home or business, keep reading. We will cover the benefits of metal roofing, as well as how to best care for a metal roof.

How will a metal roof stand up to extreme weather conditions?

Metal is an extremely durable roofing material that can withstand hailstorms, high winds, and winter elements. Winds between 140 mph and 155 mph, a metal roof installation is able to withstand better than the popular asphalt shingle roofing.

Metal roof installation is made with materials like aluminum, copper, steel, and other malleable materials that shape easily when under stress. A hailstorm that can damage an asphalt shingle roof may dent a metal roof, but it won’t break the metal.

Ultimately, metal is an incredibly strong material that you can rely on to withstand the toughest of conditions. If you are living in an area that sees a lot of extreme weather conditions, or you just want something that will hold up against massive amounts of snow, consider metal roofing!

What options are available with metal roofing?

A metal roof installation will last a minimum of 50 and requires minimal maintenance, making it a popular choice today. This long-lasting, low-maintenance roofing alternative comes in different options, including:

  • Exposed Fastener Panel Metal Roof Installation Options

This is the most economical metal roofing. The exposed fasteners are where the overlapping panels are directly fastened through the metal facing to the roof deck or roof framing. As the name indicates, the fastener heads are visible, but they are painted to match the metal panels.

A standing seam metal roofing installation system has concealed fastener panels that join metal panels by connecting the raised seams. The seam heights vary between 1 inch to 2 ½ inches tall and snap together. This results in a modern, sleek metal roofing installation that will contract and expand as the temperature changes. This is key in the longer lifespan with minimal wear & tear on the decking.

  • Metal Shingles and Tiles Installation

Metal roof installation with metal shingles or tiles creates an aesthetic curb appeal, looking like the standard asphalt shingles, clay tile, cedar shakes, or slate roofing.

 What are the benefits of metal roofing?

There are several benefits of having a metal roof installation including:

  • Longer Lifespan: A metal roof installation can last up to 70 years or longer depending on the type of metal and the weather. Compared to the maximum average of 20 years that asphalt shingles last, you’ll get 2 to 3 times the lifespan.
  • Durable: With a correct metal roof installation, it can sustain wind gusts of 140mph without cracking. Metal roofing is impact-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and needs minimal maintenance.
  • Safe:  A metal roof installation is fire-resistant.
  • Energy efficient: A metal roof installation is UV reflective, reducing utility costs up to 25%.
  • Environmental: Is a metal roof an environmentally-friendly choice? YES! The materials for a metal roof installation are often 95% recycled metal and is 100% recyclable when removed in 75 years.

What problems can you expect with metal roofing?

A metal roof installation may cause problems in the following areas;

  • Leaking – typically caused by poor metal roof installation.
  • Corrosion – doesn’t start until the metal is near or has reached the expected lifespan.
  • Chalking and/or Fading – caused by resin coating breakdown from UV exposure.
  • Mismatched Metal Materials – caused by the roofing contractor mixing different types of metal.
  • Scratching and Scuffing – can be caused during installation or by foot traffic.
  • Oil Canning – caused by poor metal roof installation process.

Luckily, with proper maintenance and inspections, these issues can be noticed early and remedied quickly. This can leave you with a beautiful metal roof that will last you a lifetime.

Will a metal roof rust or corrode?

If your metal roof installation is bare metal, yes, it will corrode or rust. However, today, metal roofing is usually coated or painted and will withstand oxidation and rusting. If you are worried about a piece of your roof that is exposed and possibly rusting, you can call a professional to take care of the area by sealing or replacing the exposed area.

How do you clean metal roofing?

Contractors that are experienced in metal roof installation will recommend mixing a quarter cup of mild dish soap or car washing soap with one gallon of water. Then, apply the mixture to the metal roof and using a microfiber cloth, soft-bristle brush, or a sponge after the soap mixture has sat for up to 10 minutes.

What kind of maintenance does a metal roof need?

The basic steps of maintenance after your metal roof installation are:

  • Clean annually using the mixture and process described above.
  • Remove ice and snow after winter storms with a brush or long-handled broom.
  • Clean the drains, gutters, and valleys of any debris including leaves, and sticks.
  • Keep tree branches and limbs trimmed away from the roof.
  • Do a monthly visual inspection for damage.
  • Keep minor scratches repaired with a clean cloth and mineral spirits then touch up the paint.
  • Fix loose or separated panel seams.
  • Adjust damaged flashing.
brown metal roofing

In Closing

Many homeowners who consider a metal roof installation ask the same question, “Does a metal roof scratch or dent easily?”. The popular belief and concern is that a metal roof install will be easy to dent or puncture, but, when installed correctly, that is not accurate! It is important to choose a roofing contractor that is experienced in metal roof installation jobs. If you think you want metal roof installation, or you think it might be time to have your metal roof inspected, don’t hesitate to call us at 617-481-1725. Our team of professional metal roof experts would love to talk you through your options.

How Long Can You Neglect a Leaking Roof?

roofer fixing tile roof

You Can’t Predict The Weather

Everywhere you go, it seems like the weather can vary from one day to the next, even hour by hour. A blistering hot sun bearing down on the rooftop and then, the next thing we know, hard, heavy rain, maybe with hailstones and high winds next. With 365 days of this erratic weather pattern, business owners and homeowners find themselves needing roof leak repairs, even replacements.

When is a roof leak an emergency?

Business structures and homes across the nation that have a roof leak that is affecting the function of the business or living conditions of the home should be considered an even more urgent emergency. If business operations can continue, or you can continue getting ready for work and school, you may have a small, slow leak. Roof leak repairs should be done sooner than later, but it isn’t an urgent matter.

Any roof leak should be addressed with proper roof leak repairs, no matter the size. What appears to be a small roof leak can become a large and dangerous roof leak quickly. As a roof leak grows and isn’t a roof leak repair isn’t performed, more damage can be created.

What are the dangers of a leaking roof?

Whether it is a business structure or a home, constant water intruding the structure from the roof will work its way down in the attic, down the walls, and to the structure’s foundation. This will create costly damage and cause other concerns such as:

  • High utility bills

With a leaking roof, the utility bills will rise as the insulation is compromised in the attic. Once this has become saturated, more problems begin beyond needing roof leak repair.

  • Mildew and Mold

As the moisture becomes more saturated, and roof leak repairs aren’t performed, the problems become more serious, like the development of mildew and mold. They begin spreading through the structure and into the HVAC system. From the HVAC system, the spores are blown throughout the structure which it breathed in by everyone.

  • Health Concerns

Mildew and mold lead to health issues that can be mild, but they can become serious too, especially for those with respiratory system issues like allergies and asthma.

  • Fire Hazard

The electrical wiring in a structure’s ceiling or walls becomes vulnerable to a roof leak, primarily by the wiring being shorted and causing a fire.

  • Attic and Ceiling

The initial roof leak damage is to the attic, the area just below the roof. If roof leak repairs aren’t done, that damage continues to the ceiling where bubbling, darkening, and water stains form.

  • Structural Integrity

The biggest consequence of a roof leak repair not being done is damage to the structure. This includes ceiling joists, roofing rafters, wall framing, and more.

How do I know if I have a leaking roof?

There are five key ways to tell that you need either roof leak repairs or roof replacement:

  1. Water spots on the ceiling and/or walls.
  2. Cracked, damaged, missing shingles for homes.
  3. Bubbled or torn roofing membrane for commercial structures.
  4. Damaged or missing flashing or rubber boots on roof penetrations.
  5. Water spots, and wet roof decking.

What should I do if I have a leak in my roof?

If you have a roof leak, repairs should be done as soon as possible. But in the meantime, take the following steps:

  • Place a plastic tarp on the floor under the leak
  • Position a bucket on the tarp to catch the water
  • Go into the attic and measure the size of the leak
  • Then cut a piece of plywood to size, 2” larger all the way around
  • Take the wood, screws, and waterproof sealant to the attic
  • Spread sealant along the edge of the wood and position it over the damage
  • Install screws every 2 to 3 inches around the wood
  • Cover the screw and the edge of the wood with the sealant

How can you tell where a roof leak is coming from?

Take a flashlight and climb into the attic to check the insulation and roof joists. Remember, in a home or commercial structure, where the water is coming in from the ceiling doesn’t mean the leak is directly above that. Water typically runs downhill.

Where you see water dripping, follow the drip back until you find where it is coming from. For a commercial structure, you’ll need a professional roofing contractor that specializes in commercial roofing to find the leak. Most roofing contractors that specialize in commercial roofing will have materials with them to do a temporary roof leak repair, returning later to do a complete and permanent roof lead repair.

Where do roofs usually leak?

In a home, many roof leaks are around chimneys, dormers, skylights, and vents. This is usually from damaged, loose, or missing flashing or rubber boots. In a commercial structure, roof leak repairs are usually around the roof curbs or around roof penetrations.

What is the most common cause of roof leaks?

For a home, common causes are damaged, loose, or missing flashings or shingles. For commercial structures, the common roof leak causes are from damaged, loose, or missing flashings or rubber booting around roof penetrations. Commercial roofing also experiences roof leaks from penetrated or torn roofing membranes.

When will a leaking roof need replacement?

Roofing contractors and insurance companies will recommend roof replacement when more than 25% of the roof is damaged. A temporary roof leak repair may be done until the weather allows a thorough roof inspection to confirm the extent and severity of the roof damage. If this inspection confirms that 25% or more of the roof is damage, a replacement will be recommended. Depending on building codes and the insurance company, a replacement may be required.

Roof leak repair

Will It All Come Crashing Down?

With a roof leak in a home or business structure, occupants and owners will ask a roofing contractor, “Can my roof collapse if it’s leaking?”, and the answer is, yes, it is possible. Water is liquid but when in a concentrated area, it becomes heavy. Pick up a 5-gallon bucket full of water to find out just how heavy!

As roof leaks, the water keeps puddling up above the leak and that dripping or trickling of water won’t be enough to relieve the pressure that puddled water is creating. As it builds up more, it begins to weaken the ceiling, and without roof leak repairs, the roof and ceiling could collapse. Need help with a roof leak? Call us today at 617-481-1725.

When Does a Roof Need to Be Repaired?

Residential roof in need of repair

Keep An Eye On Your Roof

The roof on your home is a protective component until it isn’t. Believe it or not, your roof can have unseen damage caused by the daily elements and exposure. Not all damage is visible from the ground by the untrained eye, which is why you should have an established roof repair company, i.e., a roofing contractor, inspect your roof on a regular basis. If you need roof repair, give our team a call at 617-481-1725 today! We can take care of your roof fast.

What are the signs of a damaged roof?

There isn’t a homeowner that looks forward to needing roof repair, and they sure don’t want a leaking roof and the damage that can come along with it. While the average homeowner can’t see all the damages on their roof, which is why you need a professional roof repair company to inspect it, there are some signs you recognize:  

1. Dented Gutters and Downspouts

These are the first indications that you may need the services of a professional roof repair company. Other indications that you may have roof damage include:

  • Dents on the garage door
  • Holes in the window screens 
  • Dings on painted surfaces 
  • Dings and splatter marks on your AC unit, electric meter, or outdoor furniture and grill 
  • Dented mailbox

If there has been a significant weather event and you don’t see any of the things we’ve listed here, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any roof damage. Having a roof inspection by a professional roof repair company is the best way to know if your roof is okay.

2. Loose Granules

Roofing granules embedded in the gutters or in the flowerbed is a strong indication that you need a professional roof repair company to inspect your roof. The granule of an asphalt shingled roof makes your roof fire-resistant, UV-resistant, and provides your home the color and style. If those granules are knocked off, you’ve lost some of that protection and aesthetics.

3. Bent, Missing, Lifted, Loose

Common signs of roofing damage are bent, missing, lifted, or loosened shingles. While this can take away from the aesthetics, it can indicate there is damage under those shingles and warrants a professional inspection by a roof repair company.

4. Dented Flashing, Vents, and Shingles

Any dents on the metal flashing, vents, or shingles can be an indication of damage to the roof. Schedule a professional inspection by a roof repair company that is local and established.

What causes wear and tear to a roof?

There are 4 primary causes of wear and tear to a roof:

  • High Winds. Your roof has exposure to the elements 24/7/365, including high winds. As roofing materials age, it typically starts at the edges, working up.  When you have new roofing installed, make sure to get roofing materials that have adhesive-reinforced starter strips.
  • Rainwater. Heavy rainfall erodes the surface of roofing materials, wearing them thin and eventually exposing the backing and underside of the roofing materials. When the hard, heavy rains and high winds come along, it makes the roofing material less protection for your home.
  • Sunlight.   When it isn’t raining, the sun is out, and that exposure bakes the roofing material, the biggest cause of wear and tear.
  • Trees. While trees add to the beauty of your home, the branches can cause your roof to wear out faster by poking into the roof or scraping away the protective granules.

These things cause many different issues to your roof and can cut its lifespan short. If you notice any signs of damage, be sure to get in touch with professionals to take carer of the issues as soon as possible.

How do I know I need roof repair?

There are three things that can tell you that you need the services of a roof repair company:

  • Interior leaking from the ceiling.
  • Several damaged or missing shingles in one area.
  • Mildewed, moldy, moss-covered roofing.

Do I need a roof repair or a roof replacement?

When your roof has a confined area of damage, a professional roof repair company will suggest doing repairs, which is adequate. Oftentimes, if you have damage that is isolated to one area, a repair will be more than enough. But if 25% or more of the roof has damage, any roofing experts will recommend roof replacement. So if you experience something like a hailstorm, which affects the entirety of your roof, its likely you will need a replacement instead of just repairs.

How do I know I have a leaking roof?

A hole in the ceiling with water coming in is the first clue. Other indications of a leaking roof are:

  • Water spots and/or stains on the ceiling or walls.
  • Water spots, mildew on the roof joists, and insulation in the attic.

What are the most common types of roof repair?

Common areas that a professional roof repair company finds are damaged, missing shingles, damaged, missing metal flashing, damaged and missing rubber booting around the vents, and damaged chimney caps.

How much will a roof repair cost?

The cost can vary depending on the amount and type of roof damage. Every roof repair company will have different rates. The time of the day and day of the week can affect the cost of roof repairs too. Reach out to a roof repair company for an estimate to get a good ballpark range for your unique situation.

What happens if you delay your roof repair?

You are leaving your home subjective to further, and possibly severe damage. Left unaddressed, leading to wood rot with mildew and mold forming and spreading.

In Closing

Regardless of your roof damage and the repair that is needed, you want to choose the best roof repair company and contractor to do the job. So, how do I choose the right contractor to repair my roof?

  • Ask family, friends, and neighbors for references
  • Interview 3 to 4 different contractors
  • Ask for recent references for jobs similar to yours, then call those references
  • Ask for a copy of their certification and insurance
asphalt roof being repaired